Spaying and Neutering for Pets

Contact our team for additional information or to schedule your pet's appointment.

Spay surgery is performed on female pets where the uterus and ovaries are removed. Neuter surgery is for male pets, and the testicles are removed. They are routine procedures we perform at our hospital to prevent pets from having offspring.

What is spay/neuter surgery like for my pet?

Like all surgical procedures, our team will run tests before we place your pet under anesthesia. Our team will perform a complete blood panel and other diagnostics to ensure the patient is a good candidate for surgery. If the tests detect an issue that could cause complications, we will reschedule the surgery and provide treatment. If your pet is healthy enough for anesthesia, we proceed with the surgery. We prioritized your pet's safety during the procedure, and the surgeon will provide post-op instructions. Your pet will take 10 to 14 days to fully heal.

Why should I consider spay or neuter surgery for my pet?

The main reason for the procedure is to prevent pets from reproducing; however, there are other benefits including:

  • Your pet's naughty behaviours will change. Issues like spraying, roaming, getting into fights with other pets or being aggressive with humans are less seen in spayed or neutered pets. 
  • The surgery reduces the possibility of your pet developing certain illnesses. Pets who don't have the surgery can later develop mammary tumours, ovarian/uterine cancer, uterine infections, and prostate cancer.
  • The surgery reduces the overall stray population. Many strays will end up in shelters that can be overcrowded.

To discuss the surgery for your pet, please call us at 250-376-6797.

When is the right time to get my pet spayed or neutered?

The recommended time for spay or neuter surgery is usually when your pet is around 6-months-old. At this age, most pets will begin to mature sexually and try to reproduce, however, for some owners who want their pet to have offspring, the surgery can be done when the pet is older.

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